Saturday, November 29, 2008

Must Have DVD's

Here is a list of DVDs, that I would recommend for anyone interested in learning more about horsemanship and bettering their skills with horses.

1) Groundwork - Buck Brannaman

2) The Snaffle Bit - Buck Brannaman

3) The Hackamore - Buck Brannaman

4) The Two Rein and the Bridle - Buck Brannaman

5) From the Ground Up - Buck Brannaman

6) The First Ride - Buck Brannaman

7) Colt Starting - Buck Brannaman

8) Trailer Loading and Problem Solving - Buck Brannaman

9) Turn Loose - Ray Hunt

10) Ray Hunt Appreciation Clinic - Ray Hunt

12) Colt Starting - Ray Hunt

12) The Fort Worth Benefit - Ray Hunt

13) Greetings - Tom Dorrance

13) Feel, Timing, and Balance - Tom Dorrance

14) The First Week, Bryan Nuebert, Joe Wolter, JimNeubert

If you are interested in Learning about Vaquero/Buckaroo Traditions and History I would recommend the following:

1) Tapadero, California Vaquero

2) The Remuda, Buckaroo

3) Houlihan, Northern Range Cowboy

If you are interested in learning about Ranch Roping I would recommend the following:

1) Ranch Roping Series, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced - Buck Brannaman

2) There's roping to do - Bill Dorrance, Joe Wolter

If you are interested in learning about Rawhide Cowboy Gear

1) Four Strands of Rawhide - Bill Dorrance

2) Introduction to Rawhide Braiding "The Cowboys Craft" - Bryan Neubert

3) Advanced Rawhide Braiding - Bryan Neubert

You can purchase the Buck Brannaman Videos @

You can purchase the Ray Hunt Videos @

You can purchase the Tom Dorrance Videos @

You can Purchase the Bill Dorrance Videos @

You can Purchase the Bryan Neubert Videos @

You can Purchase the Documentary videos on the buckaroo/vaquero @

Enjoy the Journey

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